“Resistance is Futile”

A new take on an old phrase

‭Proverbs‬ ‭9:6‭-‬10‬ ‭KJV‬ [6] Forsake the foolish, and live; And go in the way of understanding. [7] He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: And he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot. [8] Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: Rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. [9] Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. [10] The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: And the knowledge of the holy is understanding. https://bible.com/bible/1/pro.9.7.KJV

So… I’ve been doing this WP for awhile now… and ive learned just a few things. The most important is this…

Resistance is Futile

No… I don’t mean what you may think I mean. Not your resistance to the message of Christ and the Gospel is futile.

I mean… in “conversation” with people on the internet, be they those who don’t believe Jesus is the Saviour of the World or even that God “so loved” them that He “gave His Only Begotten Son” that they would be saved… but also those who DO believe that “there is only One Name by which we all must be saved”…

I’ve learned that in “conversation” with either side of the Coin (see mark 12.17) Believer or not… when I get nothing but double downs and “resistance” in return, further “conversation” is Futile. Their Resistance becomes a Futile exercise in just arguing back and forth and perhaps, in some cases, counterproductive to sharing “Truth in Love”.

In these cases… rather than rescuing my Pride and trying to “win the Argument when the Person has left the Building”… for me anyway, the best option is Never to keep fighting it out.

My best course of action is to withdraw from the Field of said “Futile Conversation”. Sure, it sounds like cowardice. I agree that the other Person may think they “Won” and I’m weak and stupid and… insert your favorite pejorative here… 

But I’ve learned… Resistance in the face of Truth and Jesus Christ Himself is my clue that the intended conversation has become Futile and Foolish. And I shouldn’t let myself be drawn in further to “poo flinging” ad homs and Pride Establishing arguments.

It’s all about Responses… not about my eloquence or ability to “convince” others of the Gospel’s “power unto salvation” (see romans 1.16). Not my job. Never has been. Only the Holy Spirit can “convict and convince”.

It may seem Foolish… as foolish as those who reject the Saviour with still outstretched arms to save them.

Jesus is the Saviour… Not me. Now THAT would be foolish and futile. Lol


3 Replies to ““Resistance is Futile””

  1. It takes one person to conduct an argument. It may take two to conduct a reasoned debate. Since some people debate with themselves, I suppose one person may be able to conduct a reasoned debate with himself.

    The key is not the number of participants. The key is what is being discussed and adherence to the truth. When a conversation degenerates into name calling and insults, attempts to verbally destroy someone, or just making up stuff to win the argument, continued discussion has no value.

    Is there a win in such a discussion? Up to a point, yes. When one side starts name-calling and making stuff up, that side has lost the debate. That side has revealed a weak argument.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A weak argument/position, or perhaps just a weak person or an inability to properly think thru the issues. either way, a fruitless and sometimes even destructive ‘conversation’.


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